Monthly Archives: February 2021

Webinar – Food and Drink Cultures Through the Ages

On Tuesday March 23rd 2021, Susan will join food historians Allen J Grieco and Peter Scholliers in a panel discussion on ‘Food and Drink Cultures Through the Ages’. The discussion will be moderated by Beat Kümin, Professor of Early Modern European History and GRP thematic lead for ‘Food Cultures’ at the University of Warwick.

Join the webinar here


2021-02-26T16:53:42+00:0026 February 2021|Conferences and talks, Events|

New Publication in the European Journal of Food, Drink and Society

We are delighted to announce the publication of an article on the project’s aims and methods in the first issue of the new European Journal of Food, Drink and Society. Congratulations to Michelle Share, Máirtín Mac Con Iomaire and Dorothy Cashman on a wonderful initiative, and the team looks forward to making further contributions to the journal in the future.

Read the article here

2021-02-26T16:43:01+00:0026 February 2021|News, Publications|