
Documentary Launch

We had a full house on Friday, European Researcher’s Night, for the launch of our brewing documentary. We are looking forward to sharing the film freely in the coming weeks. Our thanks to the Long Room Hub for hosting the event, and to all our guests for attending. Special thanks to Maurice Deasy from Canvas Brewing who came along to talk about traditional brewing from a contemporary perspective (and for allowing us all to taste his fantastic beers).

2023-10-02T14:57:51+00:002 October 2023|Events, Media|

Drunk? Adventures in Sixteenth-Century Brewing

Announcing the launch and screening of a documentary on brewing beer from the sixteenth century. The film is directed by Prof Shreepali Patel, a Bafta winning film maker based at University of the Arts in London. It was produced in collaboration with Storylab at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. It follows the team of FoodCult researchers from the archive, through fields, the brewhouse, and finally the laboratory in our journey to recreate and understand early modern beer.

The Screening will take place at the Long Room Hub on Friday 29th September at 1830. It will be followed by discussion with the project PI, Dr Susan Flavin, the film’s director BAFTA winner Prof Shreepali Patel, renowned food and drinks historian, Marc Meltonville, and heritage brewer Maurice Deasy from Canvas Brewery, Co Tipperary.

The event forms part of Trinity’s European Researchers’ Night and the Trinity Arts and Humanities Research Festival.

Booking Only: Register Here



2023-09-21T10:25:25+00:0021 September 2023|Events, Media, News|

Ales Through the Ages

Marc Meltonville, FoodCult’s ‘Brewer in Chief’, will present a paper featuring our recent research at the ‘Ale Through the Ages’ Conference at Williamsburg VA. The paper, ‘Beer & Roses, building a Tudor brewery’ reflects on the process of recreating historic beers and the challenges of authenticity. The conference runs from 11-13th November.

Register for the Conference


2022-11-10T15:15:06+00:0010 November 2022|Conferences and talks, Events, News|

Successful Brewing Week

After almost three years of preparation, last week finally saw the completion of the brewing experiment at the Weald and Downland Museum. Four barrels of sixteenth-century beer are in the last stages of fermentation, having been brewed with carefully selected yeast, heritage grains, and period equipment. These will soon be moved to three different labs for analysis.

Prof John Morrissey at University College Cork, who researched and reconstituted the yeast will undertake analysis from a microbiological perspective. Prof Janet Montgomery at Durham University is examining the isotopes in the beer. She will measure the change in O-isotopes from cold water to beer. This will help better understand how oxygen isotopes are used to examine human mobility and migration. In addition, C,N and S-isotopes will be examined to better understand beer in dietary studies.

Finally,  nutritional analysis is taking place at the School of Biosciences, Nottingham University, under the direction of Dr Stephen Lawrence. This will allow us to consider in great detail, the dietetic value of beer in early modern society.

The entire process has been filmed by Storylab at Anglia Ruskin University, under the direction of Dr Shreepali Patel. This film will show the immense interdisciplinary efforts involved in bringing this project to life, following  the story all the way from the archive to the finished beer.

Results to follow soon…

2021-09-15T12:29:26+00:0015 September 2021|Events, News, Results|