Susan Flavin

About Susan Flavin

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So far Susan Flavin has created 64 blog entries.

International Society for Gastronomic Sciences (ISGSS Congress)

On 27th September, Shreepali Patel (University of the Arts London) will present a paper on the FoodCult film-making project at the ISGSS Congress (University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo). The paper, ‘Weaving complex historical food narratives through sonic and visual artistic practice’ will explore the potential for integrating film and practice-based history to engage diverse audiences. This will be published by the team in coming months.

See here for more information

2024-09-27T11:47:43+00:0026 September 2024|Conferences and talks, News|

Mornings with Simi

Delighted to share our research with radio listeners in Vancouver, Canada this week. Check out the episode on Mornings with Simi on 980CKNW to hear about the differences between 16th century and modern beer.

Listen here

2024-04-23T13:22:27+00:0023 April 2024|Media, News|

Affective Artefacts

Looking forward to discussing the FoodCult brewing project at the Affective Artefacts seminar at the University of Manchester next week. The seminar takes place at 4 pm on 24th April (Sam Alex, A112).

2024-04-19T12:51:48+00:0019 April 2024|Conferences and talks|
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